TYPE: Group Work
COLLABORATOR: Gigi Singh, Guan Wang, Xianyao Xia
TUTOR: Prof. Lee
LOCATION: Poughkeepsie, NY, USA
DATE: Fall 2017
In Poughkeepsie, like several cities in the Hudson Valley, the mortality rate stemming from heart disease is higher than the county in which it sits. In general, the increased mortality rates in cities compared to their surrounding counties correlates closely with poverty rates and absolute numbers of people living below the poverty line.
Our proposal is to re-define Poughkeepsie as a “Heart Healthy City” by improving health infrastructures and developing social awareness about heart disease. Our project is especially for low income groups, for whom heart disease is a disproportionally prevalent problem.
We are proposing a heart-healthy trail system that 1) Links most of the existing health infrastructures to improve accessibility; 2) Connects to the daily commute routes like bus stops, train stations and schools to encourage causal exercise and increase exposure and usage; 3) Incorporates wayfinding system to strengthen awareness; 4) Intervenes in the parks and space along the creek in the form of community centers, community gardens and transit hubs to provide and incorporate more programs and outreach to the public (medical checkups, counselling, food education, space for indoor & outdoor exercise, community events and farmers markets.) NEED TO MENTION COMFORT STATIONS HERE AS WELL
The first phase of implementation will be the main trail, the Trunk, along Fall Kill Creek. The wayfinding system and comfort station along the Trunk would follow thereafter. The second phase of implementation will be the branch trails that connect to all the health infrastructures, which would attract a lot of users. The third phase will be the community gardens and transit hubs which are relatively low-impact buildings. After these phases, the user base of the trail system will grow and allow for the last phase, the community center.
The major funding sources would be the Vassar Brother Medical Center and Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital. Additionally, funding from The New York State Trails Council and federal government through TEA-21 would concentrate on the construction of the trail while the government of the city of Poughkeepsie and Dutchess County would invest in both the trail and the nodes along it. In terms of management and maintenance, partnerships would be the best way to keep the trail system sustainable. Hospitals, HRHCare, community centers, schools, churches, train station and Poughkeepsie Farm Project will collaborate in the programs we provide along the trail and in the nodes.